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talk about what one has and hasn’t done
谈论一个人已经做了或者还没有做的事情  detail>>
one never notices what has been done
居里夫人的这种工作劲头实在令人钦佩。用我们的俗语来说,成绩只能代表过去。李敖引以为得意的是“工作要做到被饭催,而不是等饭吃”。  detail>>
what one did things done
做过的事  detail>>
know what one is about
做事精明, 做事周密  detail>>
what about this one
这个怎样  detail>>
reap what one has sown
自食其果  detail>>
be particular about what one eats
讲究吃喝  detail>>
be reticent about [on] what one knows
知而不言  detail>>
swallow what one was about to say
待说不说  detail>>
exert what little strength one has
尽微薄的力量  detail>>
make clear what one has come for
说明来意  detail>>
teach what one has just learned
现炒现卖  detail>>
then what is to be done
然则如之何而可  detail>>
what is to be done
将如之何 咋办  detail>>
talk about
说话;谈话;谈论 谈到 谈话,交谈 谈论……内容 谈论,谈及 谈论,议论 讨论;讨论;议论  detail>>
talk about a…
那可真是  detail>>
one reaps no more than what he has sown
一分耕耘一分收获  detail>>
know what is done but not why it is done
知其然而不知其所以然 只知其然不知其所以然  detail>>